Welcome I'm Andy Cartwright I am a dog behaviourist & training expert based in Loughborough. I will travel the Midlands area to help you and your dog. I have worked with dogs and studied dog behaviour for years. I will help you understand your dog better and show you how to resolve problem dog behaviour by using dog psychology and also dog training and techniques that your dog understands clearly. This will enable you to get to the root problem of the behaviour for fast acting, long term results so creating a happy, balanced dog and a great relationship with you the owner and other dogs and people.
Act aggressively to you, people or other dogs?
Have fears and phobias?
Suffer from separation anxiety?
Bark excessively?
Refuse to listen to you?
Lack of good manners?
Pulling on the lead?
Won't come back when called?
Constantly over excited?
Whatever the problem I will help you understand what your dog is trying to say to you and show you solutions that are tailored to you and your dog.
Did you know that there is no law to state you have to pass any tests to become a dog behaviourist or dog trainer. Because of this many dog behaviourists and dog trainers are self taught and lack the required knowledge and practical skills. Lacking these vital skills, these behaviourist and trainers often use methods and training which make matters much worse for the dog and owner resulting in the problem behaviours becoming worse and sometimes even dangerous. I trained with the British College of Canine Studies for which I had to pass tests to prove my skills. So rest assured I have the knowledge and skills required to ensure that you and your dog are in safe hands.
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